I think what you need is setting withCredentials = true on Http requests which you need to use cookies with. this link might also help.
In Ionic 1 this was done using $httpProvider.defaults.withCredentials = true;.
If you want to append withCredentials = true to every request in Ionic 2 app - you could create an Http interceptor using this plugin and create such a class:
* Appends the auth cookie to all Http requests
import { Interceptor, InterceptedRequest, InterceptedResponse } from 'ng2-interceptors';
import { Injectable } from "@angular/core";
export class CookieAppender implements Interceptor {
public interceptBefore(request: InterceptedRequest): InterceptedRequest {
request.options.withCredentials = true;
return request;
public interceptAfter(response: InterceptedResponse): InterceptedResponse {return response}