I’m struggling to get the Ionicon icons to the desired size while using a “lonely” <i class="icon ionicon-whatever-icon-i-want-to-use></i> tag. I’d like to create a sort of splash screen with just an image and a fairly big ion-loading-c icon; however, the icon keeps showing up with a tiny size and I can’t really find a way to control it (without explicitly inserting a .png, of the same icon, which feels weird…).
my role was always Desktop developer (Delphi, .net WPF) and background services (webservices, rest services…), but now I need move to web reality. I have a basic knowledge of CSS… would you mind suggesting me some resources, book, to learn more about it?
Had the same issue here. Actually, the usage of <i class='icon icon-anything'></i> will inject content via css pseudo-selector ::before. So, to change the size of your icons you should go for a css like:
To change size icons seems to be good but what’s going on when that pixels are render on different device screen. My question is because i am android developer and when you develop for android you work with DP (Density-Independ Pixel). How i ensure, It resized icon will be showed right for all device. Sorry my bad english.