Component sticks by navigating animation

At the moment I’ve a bug where a child component that is inside the ion-header does not move with the page when the navigation animation is active. It sticks to the same place when leaving and then after the animation disappears.

I added the component to the header beacease. I want it to be sticky when scrolling, just like the ion-toolbar & ion-searchbar. Sadly I’m not able to share the application. But I can share some code with you.

header-component html

<div class="current-path-header">
    <p>This should disappear</p>


    <ion-buttons slot="start">
    <ion-title>{{'Select project' | translate}}</ion-title>
    <ion-searchbar #searchbar [placeholder]="'Search in your projects' | translate"></ion-searchbar>
  <app-project-header-bar *ngIf="projectPath.length > 0" (back)="back()" [projects]="projectPath" [loading]="state === 'loading'"></app-project-header-bar>

  ... ion list iwith items

Maybe put it in the toolbar. I can imagine the frustration, but ionic elements behave differently (or treat elements differently) based on their host component

While maybe not desirable, it may probe a point about where and how to put it.

app-project-header-bar should be inside of an ion-toolbar in order for it to take part in the page transition.

Yes, but the problem is that I need a multi-line text element for the project path. I want that in a component because I reuse it on three different locations.

I’ve tried to wrap it around a ion-toolbar. But the element are still static on the position and I can’t use ion-title because of the multi-line text, ion-text does not move with the element and has a fade out effect and ion-button does not cover the full height.


<div class="current-path-header">
            <ion-col class="path-text" size="10">
                    <span *ngFor="let project of projects; let i = index">{{}}<span *ngIf="i !== projects.length - 1"> > </span></span>
            <ion-col class="path-back-button" size="2">
                <ion-button mode="ios" color="primary" icon-only="true" expand="full" (click)="goBack()">
                    <ion-icon name="arrow-back"></ion-icon>
    <ion-progress-bar *ngIf="loading" type="indeterminate"></ion-progress-bar>

and here I have one page that use the header

    <ion-buttons slot="start">
    <ion-title>{{'Select project' | translate}}</ion-title>
    <ion-searchbar #searchbar [placeholder]="'Search in your projects' | translate"></ion-searchbar>
    <app-project-header-bar *ngIf="projectPath.length > 0" (back)="back()" [projects]="projectPath" [loading]="state === 'loading'"></app-project-header-bar>