I’m starting with Ionic and Vue 3. To learn the framework, I’m just playing with GitHub - ionic-team/ionic-conference-app: A conference app built with Ionic to demonstrate Ionic and moving it (just some parts) to Vue.
I have an issue I don’t know how to resolve in the toolbar. I started a project with sidemenu template. My template code in a dummy page is the following:
<ion-header :translucent="true">
<ion-buttons v-if="!showSearchBar" slot="start">
<ion-menu-button color="primary"></ion-menu-button>
<ion-title v-if="!showSearchBar">{{ pageTitle }}</ion-title>
<ion-buttons v-if="!showSearchBar" slot="end">
<ion-button @click="switchSearchBar">
<ion-icon slot="icon-only" :icon="searchOutline"></ion-icon>
When I press the cancel button of the searchbar the title is first loaded at the top left, then the menu icon, and the title is moved a bit to the right. It’s strange. It seems that the title loads first than the ion menu icon, and when it is loaded, it moves the title.
Do you know what is happening?
Thanks you in advance.