Close keyboard when user pauses typing

@leob, I integrated my ionic application with Elastic Search & progressing good. I have a search bar where I take search pattern from User. It seems that when user focuses on input field, Keyboard shoots up. It covers half of my screen. I feel that when user doesn’t type & pauses for a moment to view results, I should close the keyboard. How to manually close the keyboard? If the user starts typing again, keyboard should show up again…

That can all be done with the Cordova/ngCordova keyboard plugin:

It enables you to show/hide the keyboard at will.

I think you would attach a $timer and some event handlers to detect how long a user hasn’t pressed a key or changed an input field (ng-change) and then you’d hide the keyboard.

Well I guess I want some sort of functionality like this too because sometimes it can be annoying that the keyboard is obscuring half the screen.