But now I discover a new problem. A marker on a leaflet map should show a popoup. This works with ionic.v1.0.0.beta.1 but not on beta.2, beta.3, beta.4 and beta.5
Did I miss something…
Now this is weard. In the browser the popups are shown if I use on the keyboard and click the marker.
Maybe this is a clue???
Whats happening is that ionic is using it’s own tap/click implementation to overcome the 300ms delay in webkit, but it’s prevent native click/tap events. The data-tap-disable should will disable our tap system for all the contents in that div, so you leaflet map
I am having the same issue but putting the data-tap-disable does not help: after putting it, my map stops loading any tiles when I zoom or move the map…
@mhartington Your codepen is missing other ionic elements that seem to cause the problem:
I added some form elements. Now try the following
Load the codepen.
Play with only the map (don’t touch the buttons yet). It works.
Click one of the buttons or the text box.
Click on the map zoom controls.
Expected result: zoom works fine, and clicking the marker changes the title Actual result: zoom does not work and clicking the marker does not trigger the event
You can either do <leaflet data-tap-disabled="true"></leaflet> OR <div data-tap-disabled="true" style="height: 100%"><leaflet></leaflet></div> (Notice the ‘height’ in the 2nd option)
guys, after 2 days of all efforts I have, finally I could finish the task with the help from you guys. Full respect! Really appreciate you contribution!