Clear Auth History Stack With 'react-router-dom'


I was wondering if there is a way to clear the history of my auth stack before I navigate to my app stack.
I have 3 pages in the auth stack I have to pass through before authenticating. The code below only remove the last page as expected, but is there a way to remove all the past pages?

import { useHistory } from 'react-router-dom'

const Component = () => {

const history = useHistory();

const handleAuthentication = () => {
  // logic

The reason for this is that β€œswipe back” on phone is making the app go back to auth stack. I override the hardware back button listener to not do that. However, the β€œswipe back” on IOS and android were not overridden


ionic info:

β€œ@ionic/react”: β€œ^7.4.2”,
β€œ@ionic/react-router”: β€œ^7.4.2”,
β€œreact-router”: β€œ^5.3.4”,
β€œreact-router-dom”: β€œ^5.3.4”,
β€œ@types/react-router”: β€œ^5.1.20”,
β€œ@types/react-router-dom”: β€œ^5.3.3”,


Ionic CLI : 7.1.1
Ionic Framework : @ionic/react 7.5.6


Capacitor CLI : 5.4.1
@capacitor/android : 5.5.1
@capacitor/core : 5.5.1
@capacitor/ios : 5.5.1


cordova-res : 0.15.4
native-run (update available: 2.0.0) : 1.7.4


NodeJS : v20.10.0
npm : 10.2.3
OS : macOS Unknown


 Ionic CLI update available: 7.1.1 β†’ 7.1.5
     Run npm i -g @ionic/cli to update


I don’t know how to clear the auth history stack, but it is possible to disable the swipe back gesture on specific pages.

Here is the code I use for that (original idea here):


import { useEffect } from 'react';
import { createGesture } from '@ionic/react';

const useGestureDisableSwipeBack = (): void => {
  useEffect(() => {
    const pageSelector = document.querySelector('my-example-selector');
    if (pageSelector) {
      const gesture = createGesture({
        el: pageSelector,
        threshold: 0,
        gestureName: 'disable-swipe-back',
        gesturePriority: 40.5, // Priority of swipe to go back is 40.
        // onMove: (event) => console.log(event),
    return () => {
      // TODO: Destroy gesture.
      // console.log('gesture clear placeholder');
      // gesture.destroy;
  }, []);

export default useGestureDisableSwipeBack;
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Worked perfectly as intended Thanks!