Change the color/Fill of an ion-button dynamically

Hello every one!
To start ineed to mention that I am new to ionic/angular…I have un api service call that returns a json full of data. as u see in the capture i have list of regions and sousRegions… after choosing (regions and sous regions) i have to display a MAP of number as Keys and and list of numbers as values as buttons.
i need to change the ion-button color/fill of the selected key and its values.
Example; If user chooses the First button of level 1 i need to make the first button’s fill attribute to “Solid” and the other buttons of same level to “outline” and the buttons of the level 2 same to choosen button of level 1 (outline).

<!--Transport Names-->








      <ion-col size="3"  *ngFor="let tr of transports">


          <ion-button size="small" color="dark" mode="md" (click)="getSelectedTransport(tr)">







  <ion-item-divider mode="ios"[hidden]=hideTrKeys>


<!-- Transport Keys-->

level 1 



      <ion-col size="3" *ngFor="let t of trmap | keyvalue">

          <ion-button size="small" fill="{{btFill}}"  mode="md" (click)="getSelectedTrKey(t.key)">






  <ion-item-divider mode="ios" [hidden]=hideTrValues >


  level 2

  <!-- transport Values  -->



      <ion-col size="3" *ngFor="let v of trValues">

          <ion-button size="small" mode="md" (click)="getSelectedTrValue(v)">






  <ion-item-divider mode="ios">
