i have the following usecase. my app has a default theme and the app is connected to my webserver. on the webserver every user can customise his styles (logo image and colors for example here my variables scss file:
$colors: (
primary: #92c7ff,
secondary: #32db64,
danger: #6c1d23,
light: #f4f4f4,
dark: #222,
color1: #102948,
color2: #6c1d23,
colorNavBar: #FFFFFF,
colorNavBarText: #003367,
colorLogout: #6c1d23,
colorLogoutText: #FFFFFF,
//colorSendBtn: #6c1d23,
//colorSendBtnText: #FFFFFF,
//colorSendBar: #aaaaaa,
btnColor: #003367,
btnColor2: #92c7ff,
btnColorText: #FFFFFF,
colorBg: #FFFFFF,
listColor-Odd: #c8dcf1,
listColor-Selected: #003367,
listFontColor-Selected: white,
if the user logs in my app the app should will load all the custom settings and should override the colors like set in my webserver.
is there any nice idea?
i found this: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/51312653/how-can-i-set-scss-variable-value-at-runtime and this How to change/update scss variables values?
but those solutions arent really practical for me… for example i cant make N different themes and switch between them cause if one user changes something i need to build the app new.