I feel like this is a pretty simple one but my Google skills are failing me. I have set my ion-item background color to medium and while the text has gone white the dividing lines haven’t. I’m trying to set their color with the border-color variable and failing.
I’ve tried:
<ion-row class="round-log">
<ion-list-header color="medium">
<ion-list #roundsLogDisplay>
<ion-item *ngFor="let round of roundsLog; let i = index; let last = last;"
lines="{{ last ? 'none' : '' }}" color="medium" border-color="#ffffff">
Round {{ i + 1 }}: {{ round }} secs
.round-log ion-item{
--border-color: #ffffff;
in my scss file. There is another list on this page that doesn’t have a medium background colour so it needs to be off the .round-log parent.
What am I missing? Thanks