Change color of badge programmatically

I’m trying to change the color of a badge programmatically like I changed colors of other components before.

I used in html the following code:

<ion-badge item-end [color]="getColor(value)">{{ value }}</ion-badge>

In typescript there is the following code:

getColor(value) {
  switch (true) {
    case (value < 20):
      return '#4CB172';
    case (value < 33.33):
      return '#ff8800';
      return '#ff0000';

But the color will never changes. It is always the primary color of my app. What can I do? Thank you for your help!

I would try [attr.color] instead of [color]. If it works, I would also recommend updating an object property when the value changes instead of doing this in a function called from the template. If you really don’t want to do that, then I would suggest considering using the OnPush change detection strategy.

Thank you for your fast reply! But this doesn’t work, too.

Can you change the colour of the badge using Chome’s Dev Tools?

And, try:

<ion-badge [class]="..."

But what is the needed property to set the wanted color in css?


one question: If you put a console.log(value) into your code, what will it log?.

getColor(value) {
  switch (true) {
    case (value < 20):
      return '#4CB172';
    case (value < 33.33):
      return '#ff8800';
      return '#ff0000';

Best regards, anna-liebt

I tried yesterday before opening this topic. It was okay and I added an extra ion-item to get the returned value of getColor() and it was as wanted, too.

The name of a class.



$blue:       #488aff;
$green:      #4DB6AC;

.ios, .md, .wp {


  .green-badge {
    color: $green;

  .blue-badge {
    color: $blue;



For example, .ts:

public badgeColour: string = 'blue-badge';


<ion-badge item-end [class]="badgeColour">{{ value }}</ion-badge>


okay you have tried it yesterday.
And what is console.log(value) now?

Best regards, anna-liebt