I am experimenting with the Capacitor Filesystem methods just as a learning experience. I’m building a simple little app to traverse the file directory tree and display directories and files. I use Filesystem.readdir(), and I want to start with root (file:///) and traverse the entire tree, at least what I have access to.
When I call readdir() it hangs on the first or second iteration–never returns with or without an error. This happens on both a physical device (Android 8.0 on a Samsung S7) and the Pixel emulator in Android Studio.
On the Pixel emulator, the first readdir() hangs on ‘file:///’.
On the Samsung physical device it hangs on the 2nd call to readdir, after it gets the first sub-directory. It successfully returns the file list from root (file:///) and then calls readdir on the first directory under root: (file:///persdata) which returns the file list “absolute,” a directory. When I call readdir() on that directory “file:///persdata/absolute” it hangs.
On both the emulator and physical device, if I start at “file:///etc” then everything works fine and I can traverse the /etc directory tree, including sub-directories.
My guess is it relates to a permissions problem, which I can handle if the call to readdir() would return with an error. I have a try / catch around the call, and I’m using async / await.
I’ve attached the ts code, as simple as I can get it to demonstrate the problem.
export class HomePage {
constructor() { }
async ngOnInit() {
console.log("===>>> in ngOnInit");
await this.getFiles();
console.log("end of ngOnInit <<<===");
async getFiles() {
// let startPath = 'file:///etc';
let startPath = 'file:///';
let ret: ReaddirResult = null;
console.log("===>>> calling readdir with ", startPath);
try {
ret = await Filesystem.readdir({ path: startPath}); // hangs here in readdir
} catch (e) { console.log("!!! readdir failed with ", e) }; // no error is generated
if(ret) console.log("after call to readdir, ret=", ret); // we never get here
console.log("end of rewreaddir <<<==="); // we never get here
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