Capacitor help information

When I type cordova --help I get a fair bit of information of commands to try and test out.

cordova --help

cordova command [options]

Global Commands
    create ............................. Create a project
    help ............................... Get help for a command
    telemetry .......................... Turn telemetry collection on or off
    config ............................. Set, get, delete, edit, and list global cordova options

Project Commands
    info ............................... Generate project information
    requirements ....................... Checks and print out all the requirements
                                            for platforms specified

    platform ........................... Manage project platforms
    plugin ............................. Manage project plugins

    prepare ............................ Copy files into platform(s) for building
    compile ............................ Build platform(s)
    clean .............................. Cleanup project from build artifacts

    run ................................ Run project
                                            (including prepare && compile)
    serve .............................. Run project with a local webserver
                                            (including prepare)

Learn more about command options using 'cordova help <command>'

    build -> cordova prepare && cordova compile
    emulate -> cordova run --emulator

    -v, --version ...................... prints out this utility's version
    -d, --verbose ...................... debug mode produces verbose log output for all activity,
    --no-update-notifier ............... disables check for CLI updates
    --nohooks .......................... suppress executing hooks
                                         (taking RegExp hook patterns as parameters)

    cordova create myApp org.apache.cordova.myApp myApp
    cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-camera
    cordova platform add android
    cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-camera --nosave
    cordova platform add android --nosave
    cordova requirements android    
    cordova build android --verbose
    cordova run android
    cordova build android --release -- --keystore="..\android.keystore" --storePassword=android --alias=mykey
    cordova config ls

But when I type capacitor --help I get very little information and no examples. Does anyone have any command line examples that I can try out to see how things work?

I know the main page at has lots of code, but there has to be a few main command line examples that can be written in a few lines. even capacitor create --help does not give much more information and has no examples.

Could someone reply with a few command line capacitor examples they have tried!

capacitor --help

Usage: capacitor [options] [command] <command>

  -V, --version                             output the version number
  -h, --help                                output usage information

  create [options] [directory] [name] [id]  Creates a new Capacitor project
  init [options] [appName] [appId]          Initializes a new Capacitor project in the current directory
  serve                                     Serves a Capacitor Progressive Web App in the browser
  sync [platform]                           updates + copy
  update [platform]                         updates the native plugins and dependencies based in package.json
  copy [platform]                           copies the web app build into the native app
  open [platform]                           opens the native project workspace (xcode for iOS)
  add [platform]                            add a native platform project
  ls [platform]                             list installed Cordova and Capacitor plugins
  doctor [platform]                         checks the current setup for common errors
  plugin:generate                           start a new Capacitor plugin

By design, Capacitor is simple/easy to get started with. I recommend jumping right in and trying it out. The Camera app guide is a good starting point.