“Using Ionic and Capacitor together is the way to build the best app experience possible”, as stated in the capacitor intro. Could we then have capacitor integrated already when running $ionic start ?
It is integrated? i think you just need to add “–capacitor”
What I’m dreaming of is to include plugins provided by capacitor into the generated project by default. For example, StatusBar, SplashScreen, etc.
A problem I am facing is that the Cordova splash screen seemed not working well with Capacitor. My splashscreen is stretched even I have set SplashMaintainAspectRatio in config.xml .
On the other hand, the capacitor splashscreen works well. However, I cannot find a way to remove the cordova splash yet, even I have run the rm command and remove all the related codes in my project.
So what’s happening now is that, my app will show two splashscreens when opening. Still finding a way to fix. Hope that ionic will do the job for us in the later versions.
I had a similar problem. Following solutions in this thread helped Splash Screen is stretched in some devices
And this https://github.com/ionic-team/capacitor/issues/1627#issuecomment-633693708
Capacitor is only set as the default for new apps. If you want to convert a Cordova project to Capacitor take a look at our migration guide: https://capacitorjs.com/docs/cordova/migrating-from-cordova-to-capacitor