Capacitor 6 Issues with capacitor-firebase/authentication on IOS

Hi everyone,

I’m developing an Ionic app with the following versions:

  • Ionic: 8.x
  • Angular: ^18.x
  • @capacitor-firebase/authentication: ^6.3.1
  • Capacitor: 6.x

I’m trying to implement Firebase Authentication (phone method) on iOS. I’ve followed the setup suggested in the official @capacitor-firebase/authentication documentation, including:

  1. Adding the GoogleService-Info.plist file to the Xcode project.
  2. Configuring the plugin in capacitor.config.ts:
  "plugins": {
    "CapacitorFirebaseAuthentication": {
      "skipNativeAuth": false
  1. Synchronizing the project with:
npx cap sync

However, when I try to perform an authentication operation (e.g., sign in with the phone method), I encounter the following error in the console when running the app on iOS:

CapacitorFirebaseAuthentication.RuntimeError: 0x301552840

I have checked the following:

  • The reCAPTCHA configuration in the Firebase console.
  • That the GoogleService-Info.plist file is in the correct location and added to the Xcode project.
  • The APNs Key setup in Firebase for notifications.


  1. What does the error code 0x301552840 mean in the context of iOS?
  2. Are there any additional steps for configuring Firebase or Xcode that I might be missing?
  3. Could this error be related to the reCAPTCHA setup or to the versions of the libraries I’m using?

Any guidance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. If you need more details, such as additional configurations or Xcode logs, I can provide them.

Some guidance on the subject would be very helpful because I have little experience and I’ve been dealing with this problem for almost a month and I can’t find how to solve it.

Many Thanks!

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Same issue with Capacitor 7. I implemented the fix mentioned here but still no luck.

:zap: Loading app at capacitor://localhost…
[ FirebaseAuthentication ] <CapacitorFirebaseAuthentication.RuntimeError: 0x3010c7500>

Have you made sure you are running v7 of the @capacitor-firebase/authentication plugin?

Here are my versions:

"@capacitor-firebase/authentication": "^7.0.0",
"@capacitor/android": "^7.0.0",
"@capacitor/browser": "^7.0.0",
"@capacitor/core": "^7.0.1",
"@capacitor/ios": "^7.0.1",

There is an open issue about this over here - bug: Not compatible with iOS 16.2 · Issue #817 · capawesome-team/capacitor-firebase · GitHub

Appreciate the quick response. I’ll follow that issue although that seems related to iOS 16 specifically. I’m testing on 17 and 18. I can add that to the issue.

Do you know if the changes to auth mentioned in the post below are still relevant in the current version? I tried implementing the logic related to indexedDBLocalPersistence but still no luck. I ask because this dates back to Capacitor 3 and I didn’t see any reference to this in the current implementation guides.

I have no idea :slight_smile: I don’t use Firebase Auth. Your best bet will be replying to the issue linked so Robin can help, the maintainer of the plugin.