Hi. Someone tell me please that this is a bug and I will create an issue or I something missed in my problem.
I am using ionic.2.0.0-beta.9.
1 . I open modal instance
public openModal(): Promise<any> {
let modal = Modal.create(ShowInfoModal);
return this.navCtrl.present(modal);
2 . From modal I try to open other page with different methods but got nothing (loading animation from new page appear, than dismiss, but page not changed)
public openBroken1(): Promise<any> {
return this.navCtrl.setRoot(PaymentMethodPage, {}, {animate: true, direction: 'forward'});
public openBroken2(): Promise<any> {
return this.viewCtrl.dismiss()
.then(() => this.navCtrl.setRoot(PaymentMethodPage, {}, {animate: true, direction: 'forward'}));
public openBroken3(): Promise<any> {
return this.navCtrl.setRoot(PaymentMethodPage, {}, {animate: true, direction: 'forward'});
public openBroken4(): Promise<any> {
this.viewCtrl.onDestroy(() => this.navCtrl.setRoot(PaymentMethodPage, {}, {animate: true, direction: 'forward'}));
return this.viewCtrl.dismiss();
3 . In page, that can’t open I implement ngOnInit method with animation (will be used for animate API response loading. In example simplified but still not work)
ngOnInit() {
var loadingInstance = Loading.create({
content: 'Loading...'
setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000)
Work project with error code placed here.
Or you can clone it with
git clone -b ER-3_navigation_animation_error https://github.com/EugeneSnihovsky/ionic2-for-errors.git
Thanks in advance.