Can't find <ion-spinner>

I can’t find ion-spinner directive in ionic.bundle.js

Local Ionic version: 1.0.0-beta.14

In nightly build 28 matches :slight_smile: Maybe you need to wait for next release :wink:

Hey there,

So the ion-spinner is the nightly build, so you’d have to install them nightlies :wink:


According to the documentation, the ionSpinner directive is now available in v1.0.0-rc-1, and I’m now on v.1.3.16 but they still don’t work. Is that normal?

1.3.16 is the version of the CLI, not ionic.js

Check out ionic info to get a projects local ionic version

Ok sorry, pretty new in the world of programming. What command should I run in my command prompt (if there is any) to update the ionic.js?

No worries :smile:

You can run either ionic lib update or you can edit the bower.json file and then run bower install

Thanks for your help!

In fact, none of these worked, but I downloaded the latest version manually and it seems to work fine now.
