Hi guys,
My app use 2 plugin: screenshot + social sharing.
I build 2 version : android + ios. With android, no problem, but with ios:
When I tab button share, my app will take screenshot and call share method to share to social. But I face to a problem with Whatsapp.
In detail: In message in Whatsapp, don’t attach this screenshot, meanwhile others work fine( fb, twitter,…)
Anyone face to it?
Below is source code:
> var screenShotSave = function(){
window.plugins.screenshot.save(function(error,res){ if (error) { $ionicPopup.alert({ title: SSSHARINGPOPUP_TITLE, template: SSSHARINGPOPUP_TEMPLATE }); } else { if (res) { imageLink = res.filePath; $cordovaSocialSharing.share(SSSHARING_MSG, SSSHARING_SUBJECT, 'file://' + res.filePath, SSSHARING_LINK); } else { $ionicPopup.alert({ title: SSSHARINGPOPUP_TITLE, template: SSSHARINGPOPUP_TEMPLATE }); } } }, 'jpg', 50, 'myScreenshot'); }