I am using ArcGIS Map using angular and am getting error to render my HTML Div tag and error is “Cannot read property ‘nativeElement’ of undefined”
component.html page : <div #mapviewnode></div>
component.ts page : below
@ViewChild('mapViewNode') public mapViewEl: ElementRef;
//@ViewChild("mapViewNode") public searchElement: ElementRef;
initializeMap(): Promise<any> {
const container = this.mapViewEl.nativeElement;
const layer = new FeatureLayer({
url: "https://services6.arcgis.com/KA88lzxweZ86kjDY/arcgis/rest/services/OHaresMap_WFL1/FeatureServer",
outFields: ["*"]
const webmap = new WebMap({
portalItem: {
id: '6376d7dafbf04761bd460c44dc2d2494',
const view = new MapView({
map: webmap,
view.when(function () {
var layerList = new LayerList({
view: view
view.ui.add(layerList, "top-right");
// const bookmarks = new Bookmarks({
// view,
// // allows bookmarks to be added, edited, or deleted
// editingEnabled: true,
// });
// const bkExpand = new Expand({
// view,
// content: bookmarks,
// expanded: true,
// });
// Add the widget to the top-right corner of the view
//view.ui.add(bkExpand, 'top-right');
// bonus - how many bookmarks in the webmap?
webmap.when(() => {
if (webmap.bookmarks && webmap.bookmarks.length) {
console.log('Bookmarks: ', webmap.bookmarks.length);
} else {
console.log('No bookmarks in this webmap.');
this.view = view;
return this.view.when();