Hello everyone, I’m using a video as background for my iOS application. The video loads correctly on Browser and also on the iOS Simulator. The problem is raised when testing my app on my real device using TestFlight so already builded and from the App Store Connect.
This is my capacitor.config.ts
import { CapacitorConfig, } from "@capacitor/cli";
const config: CapacitorConfig = {
appId: "***",
appName: "***",
webDir: "dist",
server: {
hostname: "",
cleartext: true,
allowNavigation: [
export default config;
This is the code loading my video which works fine on browser and iOS Simulator on my Mac
<video class="video" autoplay muted loop playsinline>
<source src="/videos/background.mp4" type="video/mp4"/>
The video is located at project root ./public/videos/background.mp4
I tried a lot of solutions, even using a complete string as path
I have the basic installation of Ionic + Capacitor, so I don’t have any strange configuration. The video just doesn’t load on a real iOS device.
The only solution that I have right now and works, is uploading the video to my servers and just loading it with the URL, in this way it works, but I don’t want users to waste bandwidth in this way.
Anyone can help me? Thank you so much!