Cannot find type definition file for '@types'

Work for me, tnks …!

Worked for me. Thank you!

This worked for me.
I just kept “types”: , empty, cause I had no idea whats it used for.


This solved the issue of me

but not worked for me got same error

Thanks Dude… you saved my day

FYI In my Ionic v5 project there is a tsconfig.json file and a file, and I had to change the file.

I also had to

npm i buffer --save


import { Buffer } from buffer

to fix my specific error which was

Cannot find name 'Buffer'

for those having similar issues

Make sure you downgraded @ionic/app-scripts to 3.2.3 version. You can verify it while run build.

I would be extremely wary of whatever dependency you have that’s needing buffer. That’s a typical hallmark of a library that is not designed to run in browser environments, and the buffer dependency could be the tip of that incompatibility iceberg. I would suggest trying to refactor with an alternative dependency that is not so tightly coupled to running under node.

also, i faced the same issue.
i made as @virtualvishwam described works well with me.

thanks, works fine !!

this worked for me without downgrading other dependencies