Can Fullcalendar work with ionic2 ? (PrimeNG ?)

Hello guys,

I’m new to ionic 2 and I was searching for a fullcalendar (or at least a calendar plugin) module working on ionic2.
I actually saw nothing on internet working. The problem is that I don’t have the time to make a calendar plugin myself.
Something that could be cool is integrating PrimeNG (PrimeNG website) to my project but they don’t really use the same version of Angular2.

Do someone have an idea to help me ?
Thanks !

I am in the same boat here, looking for a calendar component to integrate into our existing Ionic 2 app. The PrimeNG Schedule is the only Angular2 implementation of fullCalendar I’ve found but have had only trouble the last two days trying to make it work.

I’ve also posted in more detail in the PrimeNG forum:

PrimeNG looks like a great lib to help in Ionic2 projects and it’s a pity there is no easy way to make the two of them work.

Yes I’m pretty sure this could help a lot of ionic developper but it seems that nobody managed to introduce PrimeNG to ionic2…

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some news about that?

Just a small ping, would be great if anyone can share if/how they got it to work.

For anyone coming here from Google, there is some help here on how to set them up, as of RC3.

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After read above responses and implementation, I am getting below error when place ScheduleModule inside imports on app.module.ts

angular_core__.Version is not a constructor