Hello everyone ! I’m almost done with my ionic app but i still have a few problems with the cordova camera API.
when the picture is taken, the console.log(imageURI)
clearly displays the path to the local storage’s picture.
However, i want to send this picture to a distant server, as a $file input
my controller looks like this :
$scope.getPhoto = function() {
PhotoService.getPicture().then(function(imageURI) {
$scope.image = imageURI;
}, function(err) {
and then, when i try to upload it with other values (title, description, etc…) I use this function :
$scope.create = function (produit) {
var file = "script.php";
produit.id_user = $scope.id_user;
RequestService.fileTransfer(file, $scope.image,values).then(function () { //this part sends to the file script the 2 following attributes, the imageURI and the attributes (title, description, etc...)
$state.go('app.otherView', {}, {location: 'replace'}); //redirect when sent
disableBack: true
}, function () {
console.log("upload failed");
my problem is, I need to send the $scope.imageURI in a way that the server receives a $file input, but i don’t know how, can someone help ?
Thanks in advance to whoever will answer !