Is there a way i can call just the numeric keyboard in a ion-textarea instead of full keyboad?
Not to my knowledge, a ion-textarea is meant for text mainly. Do you have a use case that someone mainly use numbers to fill in a message/contact box?
Hope it helps,
In Brazil we have a document called ‘Boleto’ that is used as a payment instrument for a product or service, we can extract the information from the document by reading the bar code by scanner or typing in the code numbers. The sequence of code numbers is large and a input field hides part of it, for example:
23790.48206 90000.000266 95040.158206 7 72450000015924
So I decided to use a textarea because it has line break but it would be more practical if only the numeric keyboard appear to type the code.
Thanks in advance
I see a couple of possible options for you:
<ion-input type="number"></ion-input>
(this is to be tested with ionic run on a connected device, to check if it really displays only numbers - ionic serve won’t do any good at testing on a browser)
More complex options, would involve Angular form capabilities (stuff like ngIf*) or maybe a native Cordova plugin to have more control on displayed keyboard on input, some hints here and then:
Good luck,