Here’s the problem I’m trying to solve. I want to have a button labeled, say “Set Height”, and when the user clicks it, I want it to pop up the telephone keyboard and let the user input a value that is bound to my model. I don’t want to use a visible input because I actually only want to display some crazy formatting of what they typed, not the number itself.
So my thought was to have a hidden form (either opacity or placing offscreen or whatever), like:
I do have jquery loaded so the selector works. This doesn’t do anything, nor do other variations like $(’#height’).click() or $(’#height’).focus(). I’d really appreciate any insight on the best way to do this!
(which would be expected that that doesn’t work, since ng-focus speficies a function to call when focus is received, it isn’t a boolean that grabs focus when true.)
Yeah, that works in a vanilla angular project but doesn’t seem to work with ionic. (That was the first thing I tried, I should have mentioned). I spent awhile debugging it and didn’t land on the answer yet, so for now I’ve gone for a workaround, but any help would be appreciated.