Button over Maps in Ionic 6/Ionic Angular

What’s the proper way to get a button rendered over a Google Maps div in Ionic 5? I’ve tried the following on an HMTL page, but the button appears only briefly, once the Maps div is rendered the button disappears.

<ion-content id="mainContent">
  <div #map id="map">
    <div class="action-buttons">
      <ion-button id="button1" color="primary" text-only style="z-index: 999">
        Button 1

EDIT: Uses ionic-native for google maps, Cordova for geolocation though Capacitor plugins are used in some places.

Are you using Cordova or Capacitor?

Pretty sure its Capacitor, at least for the plugins related to the map/Geolocation. EDIT: Nope its definitely Cordova, my bad

Maybe put the button outside the map div and wrap both in one div?

I am not sure but maybe google maps is not expecting anything inside?

There must be some hints on the web for this - a fairly common situation

Edit: Controls  |  Maps JavaScript API  |  Google Developers

I agree, and there seem to be plenty of people running into the issue, to the point where there’s pretty standard advice on it. Sadly none of the methods I found worked. I tried your suggestion, the button renders but the map does not.

I have found (what I believe to be) a solution! Moving the button div out of the map div and adding the attribute slot="fixed" to the button seemed to work. No clue why. Final code looks like this:

<ion-content id="mainContent">
  <div #map id="map"></div>
  <ion-button id="button1" slot="fixed" color="primary" text-only>
    Button 1

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You could have used ion-fab that would have taken a load off you for Positioning the buttons as overlays…