Button not clickable on top of ng2-swipe-cards

Hi guys, does anyone know how to make a buttonn clickable on top of ng swipe cards? i tried even.stopPropagation() and event.preventDefault() with no luck.

below is my code.

<sc-card *ngFor="let attendant of attendants"
        style="background-color:#1c1f2e;border-color: #1c1f2e">

        <div class="pet_img" [ngStyle]="{'background-image': 'url('  + attendant.profile_pic + ')' }"></div>
<button no-margin style="height:30px" ion-button block outline color="light" tappable (click)="saveRequest(attendant);"  float-right>
                      CLICK ME

as you can see, my CLICK ME button isn’t tappable because of the [tinder-card] function which treats the entire card as swipe only. i need a way to make the button clickable while on top the card.
any help is highly appreciated.