BUILD SUCCESSFUL and then fails with exit status 1

I’m desperate to get this update to Google Play but suddenly my App can’t be bulild anymore. I’ve changed just one line of (mark-up) code.
Going back to the previous release (that built fine before now also ends in this error)
It seems to compile fine and even create an APK file. But since it ends in this error I cannot download it.

46 actionable tasks: 46 executed
Built the following apk(s): 
$ cordova build android --release -- --keystore=android.keystore --storePassword=***** --alias=HAVERAPP --password=***** success
Running after script...
$ run "clean-up"
Running Stage clean-up for Job: 5417837
ERROR: Job failed: exit status 1

Could it be the error occurs during the cleanup stage?

Can you successfully build other apps?
(Maybe create a new one with ionic start and try there)

As we in the forum can’t look inside the service of Ionic:

Working on it now. Will let you know in a few.

Just created a blank project keyfile etc and git commited.
It results in a sucessful build…


Total time: 57.967 secs
Built the following apk(s): 
$ cordova build android --release -- --keystore=android.keystore --storePassword=***** --alias=alias_name --password=***** success
Uploading APK...
APK uploaded successfully!
Running after script...
$ run "clean-up"
Running Stage clean-up for Job: 5417950
Job succeeded

What does this tell me?

For the real project I can build the iIOS ipa file and download it.

That not all Android builds are broken on Ionic Pro, just yours.

Which of course doesn’t really help… (sorry, no idea from here then)