Bugs: Did I Find a bug on ionic tab

Version 1.2.0
Here I use ionic tab

and I found that in ionic.bundle.js line: 58397

this.hrefMatchesState = function() {
return $attrs.href && $location.path().indexOf(
$attrs.href.replace(/^#/, ‘’).replace(//$/, ‘’)
) === 0;
when $location.path() is “/memeber/detail” and @attrs.href is “/” this function return true;
this is wrong.

It should be like this:

this.hrefMatchesState = function() {
return $attrs.href && $attrs.href.indexOf(
$location.path().replace(/^#/, ‘’).replace(//$/, ‘’)
) === 0;

swap $attrs.href and $location.path()

NO, it is not bug about swap $attrs.href and $location.path().

i believe this bug about ionic tab can not support attrs.href contains tab equals “/” situation.