Blank Screen On Device but okay on PC

I have tried multiple solutions presented
*Will input the link here later when I get back

But, none of it seems to work.

Things I have tried:

  1. Removed cordova and reinstall it and ionic
  2. Installed the latest Android SDK
  3. Ensure all script links on index.html points to the correct file name
  4. templateUrl: “./”
  5. Ensure all are " " and not ’ ’ in .state

I am stuck. Is there any way to debug why is it showing a blank screen?

Screenshot on Note 4 below

Screenshot of app running on PC (Google Chrome)

Any and all help to guide me to the solution is really really appreciated

Hi @kiongkiong,

Can you share a sample code?

It would help us to derive a solution.

Thank you.

Hi @monugt
Thanks a lot for your help :smile:
As I am not sure where went wrong, here is my code in github.

Thanks a lot again.

Try to debug in emulator and look to the console errors

My PC has an internal problem whereby it can’t load the emulator. So, thats a no go for me :frowning:
@bobrov1989 thanks though :smile:

Hi @kiongkiong,

It seems there is an error related to firebase URL, it seems $scope.firebaseUrl needs to be initialized.

Please refer to the screenshot attached.image

Hi @monugt,

Yes. I have faced this error at irregular time. Which I couldn’t pinpoint the error.
Reason (the following code is in here

In line 1:

var firebaseUrl = "";

and in line 28:

$rootScope.firebaseUrl = firebaseUrl;

Hmm. Perhaps line 28 i should:

$rootScope.firebaseUrl = "";

I will test this method again tonight.
But when I ionic serve, and that error occur, I just refresh the page and the error disappears.

Thanks for the point out again @monugt. I will try it out and get back here :smile:

Sure, I believe it should fix the issue.

I would recommend using constants for URL, please refer to this link -

Please do let me know, if issue still persists.

Thank you.

Yes. That fixed the issue.
Though there are other issues already and thank to you @monugt, I am sure the problems that follow will most probably be my code. So, I will work them out first :smile:
Thanks a lot again!

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Hi @kiongkiong,

It is good to hear, great job in fixing the issue.

Please feel free to share anything, I would be really happy to brainstorm over any topic.

Thank you.