Native: device ready did not fire within 2000 ms. This can happen when plugins are in an inconsistent state. Try removing plugins from plugins/ and reinstalling them.
I tried remove and reinstalling plugins. Well it is a new app. What plugin might actually resulting this 8 second delay ? I am stuck with this. Help me out of this…There may be a bug in rc5 which must be solved immediately.
Yes. But I got the error when running on android device. There may something fishy with the plugins. But the app did well on emulator. I hope this will be solved in the next release. I find this error even in the newly created app.
I too have this error, my application will load the splashscreen (default splash) but then I get a white screen for a few seconds with these errors in the console…
console.warn: Native: deviceready did not fire within 2000ms. This can happen when plugins are in an
inconsistent state. Try removing plugins from plugins/ and reinstalling them.
console.log: deviceready has not fired after 5 seconds.
error opening ws message: {"category":"console","type":"log","data":["DEVICE READY FIRED AFTER",4858,"ms"]}
Cordova CLI: 6.4.0
Ionic CLI Version: 2.2.1
Ionic App Lib Version: 2.1.7
ios-deploy version: Not installed
ios-sim version: Not installed
OS: Windows 10
Node Version: v4.2.1
Xcode version: Not installed
This did speed it up a little for me but I still see the white screen. So what I am doing now is altering the time for the splashscreen to be shown in the config.xml with