I just started a new blank angular based Ionic app out of curiosity.
I used the command below: ionic start blanktest blank --type=angular
During the install process the tool asks me if i want to install Capacitor too. If i say no than let the install finish i can run: ionic cordova emulate ios
This command will add the IOS platform than build the blank starter app and open it in an ios emulator.
If I start another install with the same method and different app name and i install Capacitor too, the following happens:
Ionic installs the blank project successfully.Than i run: ionic capacitor run ios
Which adds the ios platform and opens up the xcode. From there if i hit the emulate button it compiles without any error, the emulator starts but after the splash screen with the capacitor logo i only see white screen. No errors or anything in the console. I’m still using the unmodified blank codebase from ionic start.
Why is this happenin?