I’m getting these warnings like crazy after the upgrade. I’m assuming it’s angular 2 rc.3 that’s doing it?
it happens when opening a picker for example. Which, with dev tools open, slows performance to a crawl
Yes, this is a known issue. It’s an angular warning. We have an open issue for this already though.
great, thanks for the update!
I can’t find the answer.Can anyone help me with finding the answer. Do i need to update anything.
Nothing right now. It’s fixed in Ng2 proper right now, just not released yet.
this issue is kinda a pain. I want to use
background-image: url({{image4}}) and i get this error!!!
sanitize and it shall work:
in your .ts file:
import { DomSanitizer } from '@angular/platform-browser';
in your export class add:
in your constructor add:
private sanitizer: DomSanitizer
then create an image url and sanitize:
this.bgImage = sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustStyle('url(https://PartOfDomain/' + this.aValue + '/' + this.anotherValue + ')');
Thats the sanitizing part.
Now in your html:
<div [style.background-image]="bgImage">
There is also an other way to do this without sanitizing using ngStyle:
<div [ngStyle]="{'background-image': 'url(https://PartOfDomain/' + this.aValue + '/' + this.anotherValue + ')'}"></div>
hope that helps!
Is there anyway to do binding like [nyStyle]="{{image}}"?
Is there a reason you’re trying to bind to an interpolated string? That’s quite unusual.
sorry for the late response. It worked but its really a pain this shit.
I receive a huge array with urls from the backend and i have to foreach this array to put the sanitizer value.
How to avoid that please?
Should be the accepted answer.