Hey ionic team! Congrats on the latest release. Ionic just keeps getting better and better!
I’ve had to make lots of changes with the beta 10 upgrade. One those changes was moving some content into ion-header
so that it does not scroll with the rest of the content beneath. The problem I am facing is that my div within ion-header
does not animate in with the other content like ion-navbar
. What can I do to get it to animate with everything else?
Here’s a view of what i’m talking about:
Here’s a code snippet of my header:
<ion-title>Watering Detail</ion-title>
<div class="header-container grey-header middle">
<ion-icon name="blo-splash-check" class="middle"></ion-icon>
<p>Watered <strong>{{cycle.num_zones}} {{'Zone'|pluralize:cycle.num_zones}}</strong> for {{cycle.duration_secs|durationTime}}</p>
I don’t have any css that would make this content be fixed or anything. I’m stumped!