Best way to get checkbox values

If in my Controller, I have:

$scope.expense = {tags: []};
$scope.tags = ['Tag1', 'Tag2']

In my view I have:

<ul class="list">
  <li class="item item-checkbox" ng-repeat="tag in tags">
    <label class="checkbox">
      <input type="checkbox" ng-model="expense.tags[tag]">

When I click the checkbox, it sets my model like so:

[Tag1: true, Tag2: true]

What I want is a flat array like:

[Tag1, Tag2]

Is there a better to get the values from the checkbox and set them in an array on the model?

@steve what I usually do in this case is a tag to boolean map, like this:

$scope.tags = [{
  text: 'Tag text',
  enabled: false
<checkbox ng-repeat="tag in tags" ng-model="tag.enabled">{{tag.text}}</checkbox>

Which will set the enabled field true or false as it’s toggled (untested).

Does that help? <checkbox> is the same as the expanded code above, just a little more compact for Angular.


Yeah, I was hoping to bind tags directly in the expense model. Using your suggestion(and my previous post), I would need to loop through the tags array to see which ones were selected and then set them on the expense model. I.e. (using coffeescript)

expense.tags = []
for t in tags
   expense.tags.push(t[‘text’]) if t.enabled

Anyway, thanks for the input!

Also, wouldn’t the HTML for your example be this:

<ul class="list">
  <li class="item item-checkbox" ng-repeat="tag in tags">
    <label class="checkbox">
      <input type="checkbox" ng-model="tag.enabled">
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Ended up doing this:


$scope.allTags = ['Important', 'Critical']

$scope.expense = 
  tags: ["Important"]

$scope.toggleTag = (tag) ->
  idx = $scope.expense.tags.indexOf(tag)
  if idx > -1
    $scope.expense.tags.splice(idx, 1)

<ul class="list">
  <li class="item item-checkbox" ng-repeat="tag in allTags">
    <label class="checkbox">
      <input type="checkbox" ng-checked="expense.tags.indexOf(tag) > -1" ng-click="toggleTag(tag)">

Thanks to:

If you use the <checkbox> directive, you get all that markup for free, and it supports ng-model directly so you don’t have to write out all the item stuff. But you are free to use the raw markup if you like!

Then the docs should provide that as a reference!

Edit: actually kinda weird, I just tried the <checkbox> syntax and it didn’t work. Oh well.