Backbutton is not on page while opening from left menu

I’m new to Ionic / Angularjs and learning to use it.

I’m fetching menu links from server and on clicking, it goes to
detail page but Back button not showing. It is working in Tab Menu
example from ionic.
Also when i click browser Back Button, it shows on Homepage (I don’t
think it should show?)
Could anyone tell me what’s wrong?

Are you saying when you click a link in the side menu it isn’t showing the back button?

If this is the case, look for menu-close on your links. The menuClose directive clears the history stack and closes the side menu, and therefore the back button won’t show.

<a menu-close href="#/home" class="item">Home</a>

If this is not your problem, please post a code example (or a codepen) showing us your markup.

Hi, I have same problem.

If this is the case, look for menu-close on your links. The menuClose directive clears the history stack and closes the side menu, and therefore the back button won’t show.
