I have two tabs pages (with four tabs each) in an Ionic 2 project. When I navigate between them, the back button breaks. The app begins on TabsPage
, which has four child pages:
tab1Root: any = MapResultsPage;
tab2Root: any = ListResultsPage;
tab3Root: any = AboutPage;
tab4Root: any = LoginPage;
and ListResultsPage
both link to DetailTabsPage
using getRootNav()
viewMapDetails(mapData): void {
const root = this._app.getRootNav();
root.push(DetailTabsPage, {mapData: mapData});
This loads the page with the correct data, but it disables the back button. Likewise the menuToggle
feature in the ion-navbar
component seems broken (the icon is always the 3-line “hamburger,” never the back arrow.
Am I doing something wrong with this kind of navigation?