I’m trying to auto focus input field in ionic 5. We had this exact same problem in previous version that we used ( ionic 3 ) that standard directives don’t work at all or don’t work properly … I found the autofocus
directive for ion-input, but the problem is it works like 50% of the times, when it feels like it ( on the device ) … so my question: is there a proper solution to this ( now at least 4 year old ) problem, or do I need to write a hacky directive to this again? Is there a built in directive which will focus the default input ( and pop the keyboard up as it should ) reliably on all platforms?
it’s working all the time on iOS and Android devices.
Sorry but my experience differs. Here’s what I’m doing:
this is the code from the template with the ion-input
that should be focused when user opens the page
placeholder="{{ 'email' | translate }}"
I compile the app, make apk, install it on the device, kill the app ( if exists in the task manager ) then i start it and try to navigate to the page, and field should be auto focused - then i kill the app again, open it, navigate etc. I tried it , works only 20% of the times. So I’m glad it works for you, and that might give me a glimpse of hope. Does anyone have any idea what could cause it?
Hello i’m Using angular. you can also implement this method with other framework.
you can try this:
IonViewDidEnter() function will trigger after content is fully transitioned.
for more info: Angular Page Component Life Cycle - App Events Documentation
in your component.html
<ion-item *ngIf="isContentLoaded" >
<ion-label position="stacked">How much your Resin you have right now?</ion-label>
<ion-input [autofocus]="true" (ionChange)="getResinValue($event)" inputmode="decimal"></ion-input>
In your component.ts
isContentLoaded: boolean = false;
ionViewDidEnter() {
this.isContentLoaded = true;