I published an application on Ionic2 but I have a device connection that displays this message.
Application Error
The connection to the server was unsuccessful. (File: ///android_asset/www/index.html)
I saw on the internet some posts to solve but without success, what can be?
Are you getting this error when you run ionic run andoird ?? if so please read
go to adb manager folder and open command prompt there
adb kill-server
adb start-server
this should restart adb manager and try ionic run android again
No, I generated an APK in production with the command ‘ionic build android --release’, copied to my SD card and installed, after running the app without internet I get this message
did it run okay when you ran it on a simulator or your device
It works in debug mode and in production with internet, but if disable the internet the device does not work in any environment
In my index.html I removed the link '<script src = "http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?sensor=false"> </ script>'
and in my config.xml file I added ' < preference name = "loadUrlTimeoutValue" value = "700000" /> '
Thank you for trying to help