Apple sign in not working in simulator and real device. But works in browser

I am trying to create Sign in with Apple option for my ionic project. Trying out this with firebase. Downloaded the capacitor plugins from GitHub - rlfrahm/capacitor-apple-login: Capacitor Apple Login.
Followed the instructions given in this video,

After several modification, given below is my code:
async singInWithAppleNative() {
const provider = new OAuthProvider(‘’);
signInWithPopup(this.auth, provider)
.then(async (res) => {
.catch((error) => {

Running this in simulator and real device says,
“nw_connection_copy_connected_local_endpoint_block_invoke [C5] Connection has no local endpoint”

and alert popup displays the message “Firebase: error(auth/cancelled-popup-request)”.
Kindly help me to sort out the problem.

Thanks in advance.

That plugin is 5 yrs old and it’s author states:

Looking for maintainers! This was originally a fork from another developer who deleted their repository and everything now points to this repository… With that being said, I’ve since moved on from Capacitor and do not have the bandwidth to maintain this codebase.

Time to use another plugin: capacitor-firebase

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