Apple App Store Rejection 4.2.2

Trying to submit our app for approval to the Apple App Store, but I’ve been rejected for violation of guidelines, specifically 4.2.2.

Cited by Apple:

Your app provides a limited user experience as it is not sufficiently different from a mobile browsing experience. As such, the experience it provides is similar to the general experience of using Safari. Including iOS features such as push notifications, Core Location, and sharing do not provide a robust enough experience to be appropriate for the App Store.

Has anybody else been getting this with Ionic/Cordova apps?

We’ve added several native functions including Barcode Reader, Camera (both camera roll and camera itself), an iOS Action Extension, push notifications, and native Share functions so I’d think they would view it as more than a web app or repackaged website, no?

Are you using either iframes or InAppBrowser?

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Try to convert a few of your web pages into ionic pages.
About pages, contact us page, promotion pages are good places to start…
or transplanting your web into Ionic angular is a good idea.

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@rapropos Yes, but only very deep within the app (when somebody clicks to view a linked product).

@jamesharvey All of the pages are ionic pages. Only time we use InAppBrowser is when somebody clicks on an outside link within one of our pages.

We’ve got the same reply from Apple. Did you manage to find out what was the problem?


Guys, any advice?
I have just got the same response.

I am currently using several native features such as push notifications and opening links directly into social apps and navigation apps.

Note that I use AppAvailability and InAppBrowser to open deeplinks direct into the appropriate apps such as fb and instagram. Ironically to provide a more native experience.

I have had very similar apps pass fine but I am using a clients account and it is the first app submitted.