AppAvailability always fail for google maps

hey all
i’m using AppAvailability for check if google maps is installed in ios or not this is my code

let GoogleMapApp;
          if ('ios')) {
            GoogleMapApp = 'comgooglemaps://';
          } else if ('android')) {
            GoogleMapApp = '';

          this.appAvliable.check(GoogleMapApp).then(Yes => {
            if ('ios')) {
     + '?q=' + + '&saddr=' + position.coords.latitude + ',' + position.coords.longitude + '&daddr=' + location.latitude + ',' + location.longitude, '_system');

            if ('android')) {
    'geo://' + position.coords.latitude + ',' + position.coords.longitude + '?q=' + location.latitude + ',' + location.longitude + '(' + + ')', '_system');
          }).catch(no => {
              console.log('app not found');

so in ios the AppAvailability is always failed even when i install Google Maps app for IOS

Hi @YousefRabieKhalil,

did you find a solution? I have the same problem and my code is very simlar to yours

thanks in advance!

i’m very sorry for late for replying , i;m currently using the launch Navigator PLugin instead of check if google map exist or not let user choice the navigator he want