App too slow on iPad Air

Hi guys,
please help me because I’m going crazy.
I’ve created an app not too big, but now it is too slow on transition between views.
I had debug the app and seems that the services call are performed right and quickly.
So, now I don’t really figure out if the problem is on my code or something related to the platform od plugin.

Ionic version: 1.7.15
Cordova: 6.2.8

iPad iOS version: 9.3.1 (I’ve downgraded it because I thought it was a problem on my iPad).

Obviously I tested also on iPhone and all work properly and quickly.

Please help me.
Thank you

you could try adding crosswalk support, I believe it’s also available on ios. Not to sure about it though.

Thank you for your support but the Ionic website says:

Currently, we only support the Android platform and have plans to provide alternate browsers for the iOS platform

In fact, I tried it but didn’t work.

It’s the “transition” because the rest calls are fine…I’m going crazy.

I’ve also modified css to mask the black belt that I have during transitions:

.platform-ipad [nav-view-transition=“ios”][nav-view-direction=“forward”],
.platform-ipad [nav-view-transition=“ios”][nav-view-direction=“back”],
.platform-ipad [nav-view-transition=“ios”] [nav-view=“leaving”] {
background-color: transparent;
-webkit-transition: opacity 16ms linear 250ms, transform 500ms cubic-bezier(0.36, 0.66, 0.04, 1), box-shadow 500ms cubic-bezier(0.36, 0.66, 0.04, 1);
transition: opacity 16ms linear 250ms, transform 500ms cubic-bezier(0.36, 0.66, 0.04, 1), box-shadow 500ms cubic-bezier(0.36, 0.66, 0.04, 1);

Thank you.

Oke, didn’t know that. But if you know it’s the transitions that cause the app to be slow you could disable the transitions


Read more about the config provider in the docs:$ionicConfigProvider/

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Many thanks…It works!!


I owe you a coffee :wink: