I am currently developing an app and had to change the statusbar color for it. Now, after much googling, I’ve figured it out that you cannot change statusbar colors in LG G3 (removed stuff maybe?), but I can show and hide it. So I thought I’d use Genymotion but as it turns out, THE APP JUST STAYS BLANK ON IT!
It works perfectly when I use “ionic run” on the device, with no live reload. But when I run it on genymotion, it just shows the splashscreen and then a blank white page.
I inspected the views using chrome inspect and this is what I found out.
It turns out that the ion-app DOM gets loaded in the device but not in Genymotion.
Now I have no idea why this is happening. Maybe because of that error in the console?
Please help.
Oh and I have tried many emulations with different configs on Genymotion, with different SDK version. It works on none of them.