Any way to load all tab views/scopes during splash? (tabs lag on first tap)

When you first visit my app on the web, or open it in cordova on device, there is some lag the first time you visit each tab before the view is cached. I was wondering if there is any way to cache all of these first, then let the user in.


Ionic views are cached by default so are you sure that lag is caused by views and not by fetching data or something else?

Maybe Iā€™m confusing caching the view with initializing the scope for the controller? if you visit this link on mobile(this is less noticeable on a pc or in cordova, but still there), and click the last tab (timer) after opening, you will see the start button flash, but if you leave and re-visit the tab, it doesnā€™t flash. This is something very subtle but I think ironing it out would give a far less ā€˜jankyā€™ first impression.

I should add: The app doesnā€™t fetch any external data and that buttonā€™s presence is driven by an ng-if statement. Even if i did fetch cloud data in some controllers, could i do it before opening the tab?

I believe thatā€™s only half true - read this thread for more information.

As you can see, view caching in Ionic only applies to views youā€™ve visited - itā€™s not a ā€œpre-cacheā€ solution.
To use pre-caching, you can use a solution like Angular Template Cache, as explained in the thread.

Coincidentally Iā€™ve just completed my new Ionic Starter App which includes an optimized gulp.js file that supports Angular Template Cache:


You can use this gulp file (or a variant of it) to perform a production build that includes template caching.

(blogged about it here)


Thanks a lot Loeb, this is exactly what Iā€™m looking for. Though I am having some trouble getting it working.
My folder structure:

tab-calendar.html (etc. html here and in some subfolders)
and Iā€™m generating $templateCache.put(ā€œtab-calendar.htmlā€,

This seems right but it isnā€™t working, this block in your gulp confuses me
standalone: true,
root: ā€˜jsā€™

My gulp:
var paths = {
sass: [ā€™./scss//*.scssā€™],
templates: [ā€™./www/
dist: [ā€™./wwwā€™]
gulp.task(ā€˜templatesā€™, function() {
standalone: true
.pipe(gulp.dest(paths.dist + ā€˜/jsā€™));

Anyway thanks in advance Iā€™ll keep wrestling w/ it.

@jbalchun Well I think I know the reason why ā€¦

Your templates are right under the root www directory (and subdirectories of it), while my templates are under ā€œjsā€ (together with my Javascript files - I keep everything together).

This is the reason why I have ā€œroot: ā€˜jsā€™ā€ in my gulp file.

I think that in your case you need to put ā€œroot: ā€˜ā€™ā€ (empty) then.

Tip: you can check this theory as follows by running your app in a browser (ā€œionic serveā€) after the gulp build.
Do the gulp build, then do ā€œionic serveā€ and in your browser (Chrome or Safari or whatever) open the Developer Tools.

(so that would be the Chrome developer tools or the Safari developer tools etc)

In the developer tools open the Network tab and reload your app.

You will then probably see HTTP 404 for the templates that canā€™t be loaded.

Look at the path for the ā€œ404ā€ files and you will probably see whatā€™s wrong in the path and what you need to fix in the gulp task.

I had this too and in my case the problem was that it had ā€œroot: ā€˜templatesā€™ā€ instead of ā€œroot: ā€˜jsā€™ā€ which it had to be in my case.