Announcing the Ionic 8 Beta

Originally published at: Announcing the Ionic 8 Beta - Ionic Blog

Today we are thrilled to announce the release of the Ionic 8 beta! This release is the culmination of many months of hard work by the development team and brings improvements to theming, accessibility, and more! Let’s dive in :rocket: Simplified APIs for Importing Themes Ionic 8 now ships both the light and dark themes…


installed, tested → so far, so good!
no problems at all.

The only “issue” is that my custom palette-color has been overwritten, but it’s just a simple css fix.

Glad to hear! Was the change going from body to :root as noted in the migration guide? Or did you need to change something else?

I still didnt see how to solve it

this is the problem:
in my variables.scss file i have this primary color:

/** primary **/
–ion-color-primary: #f3403c;

with the version 7, it was applied without any problem
now with the version 8, even if i have the same css rule in variables.scss

this is what is applied:

(if i apply !important , the color changes correctly, but i guess it’s not the right way of doing :smiley: )

Are you using Angular? We found an issue with the angular.json configuration. The short of it is that global.scss was being added to the DOM after variables.scss. Since global.scss is where your light theme is loaded that file always won out against your customizations in variables.scss.

I fixed this in the starters, but you can copy the changes into your own app: fix(angular): variables gets loaded after global (#1834) · ionic-team/starters@f90735f · GitHub

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i’ll try it right now, i do use angular

aaaaand it works!

you are a wizard ! :slight_smile:

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:clap: :clap: :clap: nice update, I love