Is there any documentation or good examples of animating the deletion of list items from an ion-list or virtualscroll list?
In my app, I use animation to show delete of list item. May be useful to you.
<ion-fab right bottom>
<button ion-fab (click)="addLocation()">
<ion-icon name="add"></ion-icon>
<ion-list *ngIf="arrWorldWeather">
<ion-item-sliding *ngFor="let item of arrWorldWeather" [animateItemSliding]="item.shouldAnimate">
<button ion-item text-wrap (click)="locationClicked(item.location)">
<img [src]="utilService.getWeatherIcon(item?.firstDailyForecast?.icon)"
item-left style="max-width: 12%">
<div class="medium">{{}}</div>
<p *ngIf="item.firstDailyForecast" class="bold" ion-text color="text2">
<div *ngIf="item.firstDailyForecast && metrics" class="large" ion-text color="text1" item-right>
I use a variation of a technique I saw on an video. But once Ionic runs off Angular ^4.2, I’m going to switch to stagger animation for inserts, favorites, deletes.