@angular/core/core"' has no exported member

Hi! Im facing a problem when try to compile and execute my project. The messages showed are the following:

node_modules/@angular/core/core"’ has no exported member ‘ɵReflectorReader’.
node_modules/@angular/core/core"’ has no exported member ‘ɵLifecycleHooks’.
node_modules/@angular/core/core"’ has no exported member ‘ɵReflectorReader’.
node_modules/@angular/core/core"’ has no exported member ‘ɵReflectorReader’.

I tried to remove node_modules directory and ran a npm install but doesnt worked also.

Ionic Info

  @ionic/cli-utils  : 1.19.2
    ionic (Ionic CLI) : 3.20.0

global packages:

    cordova (Cordova CLI) : 7.1.0

local packages:

    @ionic/app-scripts : 1.3.7
    Cordova Platforms  : none
    Ionic Framework    : ionic-angular 3.3.0


    ios-deploy : 1.9.2
    ios-sim    : 5.0.13
    Node       : v8.9.4
    npm        : 5.8.0
    OS         : macOS High Sierra
    Xcode      : Xcode 9.3 Build version 9E145

Environment Variables:

    ANDROID_HOME : not set


    backend : legacy

json package

"dependencies": {
    "@angular/common": "4.1.3",
    "@angular/compiler": "4.1.3",
    "@angular/compiler-cli": "4.1.3",
    "@angular/core": "^4.1.3",
    "@angular/forms": "4.1.2",
    "@angular/http": "4.1.2",
    "@angular/platform-browser": "4.1.2",
    "@angular/platform-browser-dynamic": "4.1.2",
    "@ionic-native/app-version": "^3.12.1",
    "@ionic-native/badge": "^4.7.0",
    "@ionic-native/barcode-scanner": "^3.12.1",
    "@ionic-native/camera": "^4.7.0",
    "@ionic-native/core": "^4.7.0",
    "@ionic-native/device": "^3.12.1",
    "@ionic-native/file": "^3.12.1",
    "@ionic-native/fingerprint-aio": "^4.7.0",
    "@ionic-native/firebase": "^4.7.0",
    "@ionic-native/in-app-browser": "^4.7.0",
    "@ionic-native/splash-screen": "3.10.2",
    "@ionic-native/status-bar": "3.10.2",
    "@ionic-native/streaming-media": "^4.7.0",
    "@ionic-native/transfer": "^3.12.1",
    "@ionic/cloud-angular": "^0.12.0",
    "@ionic/storage": "2.0.1",
    "angular-chart.js": "^1.1.1",
    "angular-core": "0.0.5",
    "angularfire2": "^5.0.0-rc.5-next",
    "chart.js": "^2.7.2",
    "cordova-android-support-gradle-release": "^1.3.0",
    "cordova-plugin-add-swift-support": "^1.7.2",
    "cordova-plugin-app-version": "^0.1.9",
    "cordova-plugin-badge": "^0.8.7",
    "cordova-plugin-camera": "^4.0.3",
    "cordova-plugin-device": "^2.0.2",
    "cordova-plugin-file": "^6.0.1",
    "cordova-plugin-file-transfer": "^1.7.1",
    "cordova-plugin-fingerprint-aio": "^1.3.5",
    "cordova-plugin-firebase": "^0.1.25",
    "cordova-plugin-inappbrowser": "^2.0.2",
    "cordova-plugin-ionic-webview": "^1.2.0",
    "cordova-plugin-splashscreen": "^5.0.2",
    "cordova-plugin-statusbar": "^2.4.2",
    "cordova-plugin-streaming-media": "^1.0.2",
    "cordova-plugin-touch-id": "^3.3.1",
    "cordova-plugin-whitelist": "^1.3.3",
    "device": "0.3.9",
    "firebase": "^4.12.1",
    "help": "^3.0.2",
    "ionic-angular": "3.3.0",
    "ionic-native": "^2.9.0",
    "ionic-plugin-keyboard": "^2.2.1",
    "ionicons": "3.0.0",
    "phonegap-plugin-barcodescanner": "^7.1.1",
    "run": "1.4.0",
    "rxjs": "5.1.1",
    "sw-toolbox": "3.6.0",
    "zone.js": "0.8.11"
  "devDependencies": {
    "@ionic/app-scripts": "1.3.7",
    "ionic": "^3.20.0",
    "typescript": "2.3.3"
  "description": "An Ionic project",
  "cordova": {
    "plugins": {
      "cordova-plugin-splashscreen": {},
      "cordova-plugin-statusbar": {},
      "ionic-plugin-keyboard": {},
      "cordova-plugin-app-version": {},
      "cordova-plugin-file-transfer": {},
      "cordova-plugin-file": {},
      "cordova-plugin-camera": {},
      "cordova-android-support-gradle-release": {
      "cordova-plugin-device": {},
      "cordova-plugin-firebase": {
        "ANDROID_VERSION": "7x"
      "cordova-plugin-whitelist": {},
      "phonegap-plugin-barcodescanner": {
        "ANDROID_SUPPORT_V4_VERSION": "27.+"
      "cordova-plugin-ionic-webview": {},
      "cordova-plugin-badge": {},
      "cordova-plugin-touch-id": {
      "cordova-plugin-fingerprint-aio": {},
      "cordova-plugin-inappbrowser": {},
      "com.hutchind.cordova.plugins.streamingmedia": {}
    "platforms": []

Thank you!

Check your pages for imports that you didnt explicitly import. Somewhere along the line you may have used, for example, ViewChild. But it was not already imported. It then gets auto-imported with a path that throws an error just like yours.

Hi jaydz
I did what you say but I couldnt find a place where I didnt explicitly import something.
So I removed the last forms and pluggins that I had added.
It was the firebase2 and firebase packages.
Then I upgraded npm to version 9 and added the packages again. It fixed my problem!

Thank you so much for your help!