Android Webview crash - error

I am testing my Cordova 5.0 app on my Samsung Galaxy 4. Hardware acceleration is enabled. Android System Webview version 55.0.2883.91 installed. Consoling the Javascript navigator.userAgent shows:
“Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 5.0.1; GT-I9500 Build/LRX22C; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/55.0.2883.91 Mobile Safari/537.36”

It has no video. When I sign in/out of my app a few times, the page carousels start to slow down. Eventually it crashes without a “your app has stopped working” message, it just exists! The Eclipse console shows:

01-22 22:59:36.963: E/IMGSRV(15756): :0: PVRPMapKMem: mmap(2) failed: Mapping handle=0x1593: Operation not permitted
01-22 22:59:36.963: E/IMGSRV(15756): :0: PVRSRVAllocDeviceMem : PVRPMapKMem failed for buffer
01-22 22:59:36.968: E/IMGSRV(15756): :0: PVRPMapKMem: mmap(2) failed: Mapping handle=0x1595: Operation not permitted
01-22 22:59:36.968: E/IMGSRV(15756): :0: PVRSRVAllocDeviceMem : PVRPMapKMem failed for buffer
01-22 22:59:36.968: E/IMGSRV(15756): :0: GLESGetImageSource: Can’t make texture resident
01-22 22:59:36.968: E/IMGSRV(15756): :0: IMGeglCreateImageKHR: Generic error
01-22 22:59:36.968: E/chromium(15756): [] eglCreateImageKHR for cross-thread sharing failed: 0x300c

I read about a bug in the file when playing video -

This is for Webview 42.0.2311.129, a much older version than what I am using! I’m not doing any animation, my app has an infinity list and some carousels with a few images by the IMG tag.

So, I don’t know why I am getting this related bug! And googling doesn’t provide any insight which suggests I am the only one! It .feels like I have done something very basicly stupid and that’s why nobody else has seen this bug.

The code runs fine on iOS 9 WKWebView! I have had many more issues getting Android WebView to behave as fast as the ios Webview.

Any ideas?