Android TV - ion-select label width (angular)

Hi there,
I managed to get my mobile app to work on Android TV (navigating with the TV remote wasn’t easy and the app isn’t as responsive as a native app…).
Since the screen is bigger, I would like to increase the width of the label inside ion-select to avoid cutting off the text, but I haven’t managed to do so.

Does anyone know how to change this?


I would probably use the Label Slot.

      <ion-select placeholder="Favorite Fruit">
      <div class="no-truncate" slot="label">Default label That keeps going and going</div>
        <ion-select-option value="apple">Apple</ion-select-option>
        <ion-select-option value="banana">Banana</ion-select-option>
        <ion-select-option value="orange">Orange</ion-select-option>

ion-select .no-truncate {
  text-overflow: unset;
  overflow: visible;

Thanks, this works. But I would have preferred something I can set globally rather than changing the html of the entire app.
But if there is no alternative…

Since it is in the ShadowDOM you cannot edit it directly with CSS. You can use some JS though.

  .setAttribute('style', 'text-overflow: unset; overflow: visible;');